Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in San Antonio, TX
Below is the listing of 64 affordable apartments and low-income housing in San Antonio, TX. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Texas subsidized apartment listings |
200 OBLATE INC. MURRAY MANOR San Antonio, TX 78216-6683 210 344-9987 |
ANTIOCH SAN ANTONIO PARTNERS LP San Antonio, TX 78219-4060 210 337-4171 |
AURORA APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78212-5575 210 223-4322 |
BEXTON PLACE San Antonio, TX 78226 210-433-8881 |
BUD O'KEEFE VILLAGE San Antonio, TX 78245-2164 (210) 674-7847 |
CANDLERIDGE APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78227-1878 210 673-1330 |
CASA DE AMISTAD San Antonio, TX 78201-3818 210-735-1388 |
CASA DE ESPERANZA APTS San Antonio, TX 78240-2889 210 696-7299 |
CASITAS DE VILLA CORONA San Antonio, TX 78237 210-432-4339 |
CATHERINE BOOTH APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78201 210-733-8312 |
CHEYENNE VILLAGE APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78207-6853 210 433-1712 |
CHISOLM TRACE San Antonio, TX 78240-1363 210 690-8184 |
CHRISTIAN VILLAGE APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78238-2000 210 614-4829 |
COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE San Antonio, TX 78229-2900 210 342-4401 |
ERNEST M. OLIVARES SENIOR COMMUNITY RESIDENCES San Antonio, TX 78207-5521 210-226-5579 |
FRIO CROSSING San Antonio, TX 78238-3453 210 509-7095 |
GRANADA HOMES San Antonio, TX 78205-2771 210 225-2645 |
GUILD PARK APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78211-3110 210 927-5901 |
HUEBNER CREEK VILLAS I San Antonio, TX 78240-2096 210-530-4352 |
HUEBNER CREEK VILLAS II San Antonio, TX 78240 210-530-4352 |
INDEPENDENCE SQUARE San Antonio, TX 78214-3140 210 532-3118 |
INGRAM SQUARE APTS San Antonio, TX 78228-2666 210 436-1644 |
LAS PALMAS GARDENS APTS San Antonio, TX 78237-2984 210 433-7621 |
LASKER O. HEREFORD APTS San Antonio, TX 78250-4354 210 681-5447 |
LASKER VILLAGE APTS San Antonio, TX 78222-1100 210 333-3461 |
MCMULLEN SQUARE San Antonio, TX 78228-6276 210 435-7024 |
MEADOW BROOK APTS San Antonio, TX 78209-3544 210-829-8883 |
MONARCH PLACE APTS San Antonio, TX 78201-7130 210 737-7767 |
MT. ZION SHELTERING ARMS San Antonio, TX 78220-2320 210 225-7111 |
NEWELL RETIREMENT San Antonio, TX 78218-3335 210-824-6001 |
OAK KNOLL VILLAS San Antonio, TX 78228-3488 210-432-8131 |
OKEEFE GARDEN BROOK San Antonio, TX 78245-2154 210-674-7847 |
OXFORD TRACE San Antonio, TX 78240-2102 210-530-4352 |
PALACIO DEL SOL II San Antonio, TX 78207-3079 210 224-0442 |
PAN AMERICAN LEAGUE HOMES San Antonio, TX 78237-1283 210 435-0172 |
PECAN HILL APTS San Antonio, TX 78209-1955 210 826-3048 |
REAGAN WEST San Antonio, TX 78227-1522 210 477-6402 |
REGAL VILLAGE San Antonio, TX 78238-3467 210 543-8190 |
RIDGECREST APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78209-1954 210 822-5750 |
ROSEVILLE APTS San Antonio, TX 78220-1507 210-333-8031 |
SACRED HEART VILLA San Antonio, TX 78207-3842 210 222-0825 |
SAN JOSE APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78214-2318 210 924-0410 |
SPRINGHILL I APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78218-3923 210 653-7300 |
SPRINGHILL II APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78218-3901 210 653-7300 |
SUNSHINE PLAZA APTS San Antonio, TX 78228-4270 210 736-1936 |
SUTTON SQUARE DUPLEXES San Antonio, TX 78228-4162 210 732-7654 |
UNION PARK APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78223-1102 210-533-5061 |
UNION PINES APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78221-1241 210-924-7363 |
VICEROY APTS San Antonio, TX 78223-2405 (210) 359-8019 |
VILLA ALEGRE San Antonio, TX 78227-2000 210 675-6411 |
VILLA DE AMISTAD San Antonio, TX 78214-1337 210 922-7301 |
VILLA DE VALENCIA San Antonio, TX 78233-4978 210 651-9058 |
VILLA O'KEEFE APTS San Antonio, TX 78222-1134 210 333-3461 |
VISTA VERDE APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78207-3075 |
WEST AVENUE APTS San Antonio, TX 78213-3628 210 344-1204 |
WEST DURANGO PLAZA San Antonio, TX 78237-1829 210 435-1051 |
WEST END BAPTIST MANOR San Antonio, TX 78237-3378 210 433-3091 |
WESTMINSTER SQUARE San Antonio, TX 78213-4664 210 733-5908 |
WHITEFIELD PLACE APTS San Antonio, TX 78223-2708 210 333-8790 |
WILLIAM BOOTH GARDENS APTS San Antonio, TX 78201-5381 210 733-8210 |
WOODLAWN RANCH APARTMENTS San Antonio, TX 78228-3959 210 435-6991 |
WURZBACH MANOR APTS/115-N1010 San Antonio, TX 78229-3110 210 614-3597 |