Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Fort Worth, TX
Below is the listing of 34 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Fort Worth, TX. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Texas subsidized apartment listings |
ACCESSIBLE HOMES, INC. Fort Worth, TX 76133-2744 817-377-1046 |
ACCESSIBLE RESIDENCES Fort Worth, TX 76134-4426 817-377-1046 |
CASA INC. Fort Worth, TX 76107-1800 817-332-7276 |
EVANGELINE BOOTH APTS Fort Worth, TX 76119-5803 817-531-2923 |
FAIRVIEW RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Fort Worth, TX 76116-7700 817-244-0142 |
FORT WORTH COMMUNITY HOMES, INC. Fort Worth, TX 76134-4843 817-529-7349 |
LAKE COMO Fort Worth, TX 76107-6700 817/738-9096 |
MARINE PARK APARTMENTS Fort Worth, TX 76106-3514 817/626-8845 |
MOLLIE & MAX BARNETT Fort Worth, TX 76133-4910 817/292-9018 |
NORMANDALE PLACE APARTMENTS Fort Worth, TX 76116-6120 817/244-2665 |
NORTHILL MANOR Fort Worth, TX 76106-5352 817/626-2801 |
PARK MEADOWS APTS Fort Worth, TX 76112-6403 817/451-8156 |
PARK TERRACE APTS Fort Worth, TX 76104-6320 817/534-3727 |
PEPPERTREE ACRES Fort Worth, TX 76134-2623 817/293-9052 |
PILGRIM VALLEY MANOR Fort Worth, TX 76104-7150 817/531-3741 |
PRINCE HALL GARDENS 1 Fort Worth, TX 76104-7145 817/531-3627 |
PRINCE HALL GARDENS 2 Fort Worth, TX 76105-4304 (817) 531-1121 |
RESIDENCES AT BUTTERCUP Fort Worth, TX 76119-2316 817/457-1434 |
SABINE PLACE APTS Fort Worth, TX 76106-3895 817/626-5570 |
SHADY OAKS MANOR Fort Worth, TX 76135-4190 817-237-6811 |
SILVERSTONE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Fort Worth, TX 76116-3838 (817)244-5776 |
TARRANT COUNTY B'NAI B'RITH PHASE II Fort Worth, TX 76133-4921 817-292-9018 |
TARRANT COUNTY COMMUNITY HOMES, INC Fort Worth, TX 76112-5564 817-529-7349 |
TIMES SQUARE ON THE HILL Fort Worth, TX 76115-3829 817/926-5333 |
TREMONT TERRACE Fort Worth, TX 76116-3833 817-529-7349 |
UNIQUE GARDENS Fort Worth, TX 76119-6201 817/531-8617 |
VEGA PLACE APTS Fort Worth, TX 76133-3944 |
VILLAS ON THE HILL Fort Worth, TX 76107-7312 817-737-6969 |
VOA PAMELA/MARBLE FALLS Fort Worth, TX 76112-4317 817-529-7349 |
VOA RIVERSIDE TEN Fort Worth, TX 76106-3450 817-529-7349 |
VOA SCATTERED SITE DUPLEXES/FT. WORTH, INC Fort Worth, TX 76133-8709 817-529-7349 |
WEBBER GARDENS APARTMENTS Fort Worth, TX 76119-2199 (817) 531-2461 |