Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Akron, OH
Below is the listing of 33 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Akron, OH. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Ohio subsidized apartment listings |
AKRON 73 Akron, OH 44305-2113 330-773-0456 |
BRITTAIN WOODS Akron, OH 44305-1069 330-733-6764 |
CALLIS TOWER Akron, OH 44311-1313 330-376-2115 |
COLLINSON APARTMENTS Akron, OH 44306-3706 330-724-9394 |
CWV FAMILY HOUSING Akron, OH 44311-1318 330-376-9956 |
EASTLAND WOODS Akron, OH 44305-4512 330-633-1614 |
ELLET APARTMENTS Akron, OH 44312-2429 330-784-5439 |
ETL TOWER Akron, OH 44313-7623 330-836-5497 |
FOX CREEK APTS II Akron, OH 44333-3912 |
HARMONY PLACE Akron, OH 44320-3956 330-848-4134 |
HILLWOOD II Akron, OH 44306-3720 330-773-7674 |
JEWISH SENIOR HOUSING OF AKRON Akron, OH 44320-1151 330-867-3751 |
MAYFLOWER MANOR Akron, OH 44308-1240 330-762-7518 |
MCTAGGERT COURT I Akron, OH 44312-3962 330-697-0817 |
MCTAGGERT COURT II Akron, OH 44314-2561 330-697-0817 |
MEL MYERS-HIGHLAND SQUARE Akron, OH 44313-5210 330-867-4836 |
NDC HOMES Akron, OH 44311-1303 330-762-6271 |
NELA MANOR Akron, OH 44303-1442 (330) 762-7870 |
NEWMAN HIGHLAND SQUARE Akron, OH 44303-2145 330-762-5467 |
NEWTON WOODS Akron, OH 44305-3315 330-762-4011 |
ORCHARD PARK Akron, OH 44305-1204 330-762-6271 |
ROSALINE APARTMENTS Akron, OH 44302-1552 330-867-4836 |
SPRING HILL APARTMENTS Akron, OH 44307-1468 330-535-1581 |
SPRINGHILL HOMES Akron, OH 44312-3741 330-762-8661 |
SUMMIT TERRACE Akron, OH 44306 330-724-9211 |
THE VILLA AT MARIAN PARK Akron, OH 44319-1235 330.773.2833 |
THORNTON TERRACE Akron, OH 44311-1415 330-762-6271 |
WEST HIGH APTS Akron, OH 44302-1610 330-434-6070 |
WHITE POND VILLA Akron, OH 44320-1121 330-867-8030 |
WILBETH ARLINGTON HOMES Akron, OH 44306-3705 330-773-6825 |
WILLIAM E. FOWLER, SR. APTS. II Akron, OH 44302-1313 330-762-8929 |
WILLIAM PRESSER TOWER Akron, OH 44312-1658 330-733-7931 |
WILLIAMS TOWER Akron, OH 44307-2200 330-434-4767 |